For those people who use the free version of Google (, it's understandable that you may not like Google Drive: if you don't want to use Google's own apps like Docs, Sheets or Slides, you are left with manually uploading and downloading documents to and from...
Digital Workspace
What is a Password Safe?
Tired of having to pick a password that has at least 8 characters and at least one uppercase, lowercase, digit and special character (but not a / or -) and can't be any of your past passwords or contain your username, first or last name? Tired of writing all these...
Reimagining Work in a Digital Age
Work is changing. According to Gallup, 84% of people work in virtual teams. On average, an employee uses 22 different apps with 3 separate devices. Working remotely is now the norm fo 70% of traditional workers.
Google Mail Helps Keep Your Business Safe
Most of us know about the "Spam folder"–the place where mail gremlins send messages that they think is garbage. Depending on your email system, this decision could be based on whether you've ever sent or received mail from that address before, or if it has too many...
The Tale of Two Christmases (or Why I Need to Eat my own Dog Food)
Christmas has become a time for personal IT trials. Just before a Christmas flight in 2017, my laptop's motherboard failed. Granted, it was a 5 year old machine and had given me a good life; but it was still frustrating. The bright spot was that I had "eaten my own...
Getting the Most from Telecommuting
Telecommuting is growing across North America. Benefits include lower cost for office space and better staff retention. However, many managers and employers remain skeptical of its value. A study by Glenn Dutcher and Krista Saral from the University of...
The Benefits of G-Suite for Non-profit Organizations
Inglewood is an urban neighbourhood in northwest Edmonton, Canada. Its Community League has a few part time employees and is managed by a volunteer board. In addition to advocating for neighbourhood issues with the city's administration, it rents out its community...